Nisus Software, Inc.

Beta Tester Program

Welcome to our beta user registration page. Here you can give us information about yourself and your computer that will help us match you up to participate in our private beta programs. Filling out the information below does not guarantee you will be selected for a beta program.

Please see our privacy policy if you are concerned about the way in which your information is handled. For the purposes of the beta program you can expect to receive email communications about beta activity until you notify us that you no longer want to participate.

Non Disclosure Agreement

In selecting "I Agree" below, you agree to the following terms of beta testing:

  1. Beta software is often less reliable than released software, so bugs and other errors should be expected to occur more frequently and can cause loss of your work and time. As part of the beta team, you accept this and are prepared for it.
  2. You agree to keep confidential and not reveal anything you learn in the course of beta testing which is not generally known by the public.
  3. Any communication between Nisus Software, Inc. and beta testers will not be released unless authorized by both parties.
  4. You agree to do your best in clearly and accurately reporting, as instructed, all bugs and problems with the software.

I Agree I Disagree

Contact Information

First Name:
Last Name:
Street Address:

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