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Way to shade in gray every other paragraph

Posted: 2023-02-13 12:48:56
by NisusUser
Hi, everybody,

Is there a macro somewhere that would work on a selection such that every other paragraph would be shaded (at this point gray would be fine)?

It's a list in rather small print, and I need some way to keep my eyes on the correct line.


Re: Way to shade in gray every other paragraph

Posted: 2023-02-13 15:42:08
by adryan
G'day, NisusUser et al

Here's one way of going about it. I've chosen a pale orange, just to illustrate the idea.

Code: Select all

Find All @Text<\n.+\n>, 'Esa-i'
Find All @Text<[^\n]>, 'Esa-i'

Format:Paragraph Shading Pattern:10% Blend
Format:Paragraph Shading Color:Orange
I’d name this as “Shade Alternate Paragraphs in Selection”.


Re: Way to shade in gray every other paragraph

Posted: 2023-02-13 17:52:11
by NisusUser

That macro works great! Thank you. Just what I was looking for!