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When will 1.0.2 not be Beta?

Posted: 2007-11-06 10:42:51
by lgreen
Hi there,

I know that I shouldn't have an irrational fear of beta edition software but I do so I would really like to hear when 1.0.2 will be properly released - as it stands my copy of NWP isn't compatible with Leopard which is a real bugger [sorry i'm from england]...

Any ideas?


Posted: 2007-11-06 12:57:04
by ptram
I'v already completed a 30-page long document with NWP beta, and it seems to work fine. At least, I didn't loss any data. I would go for it with no fear.


Posted: 2007-11-06 14:06:32
by dshan
Have a look at the long list of bugs fixed in NWP 1.0.2 and just think - they were in the 1.0.1 version you've been using that wasn't considered beta. Seriously, 1.0.2b2 seems quite stable to me, and as I'm now on Leopard I really don't have much choice, it's 1.0.2b2 or no Nisus!

If you're really concerned about it's stability then delay upgrading to Leopard until it's released (every time I deal with bloody Stacks I think I shouldn't have upgraded so quickly - God how I miss folder menu listings from the Dock and icons that looked like folders and disks in the Dock - but then I remember Quickview, the new Spotlight, etc. and it's not quite so bad...)

Posted: 2007-11-06 14:13:17
by gemboy27
here is the obvious question for me

does the beta versions have expiration date?

Posted: 2007-11-07 13:13:29
by Cletus Awreetus-Awrightus
Tell you what: I've been using 1.0.1 on Leopard for a long time now and haven't noticed any Leopard-specific bugs.

Go figure.

Posted: 2007-11-07 22:26:51
by Cletus Awreetus-Awrightus
I'm afraid I spoke too soon. Changing a font hangs NWP 1.0.1 badly.

Posted: 2007-11-12 16:28:32
by lgreen
Seriously Mr/Ms. Nisus

When is this program going to work with Leopard? Most other apps seem to have been updated yet Nisus hasn't...

I really think you need to address this...