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How run Infoclick in the background and no Dock icon?

Posted: 2017-03-05 23:00:45
by michaelb
Is there a way of avoiding having a dock icon for InfoClick?

I am happy to launch the InfoClick search window from Mail->Services, and I appreciate that InfoClick has to run all the time to index, but I would prefer not to have a permanent Dock icon, which seems to be necessary since the app is always running.

Is there a way to have InfoClick run as a background process?


Re: How run Infoclick in the background and no Dock icon?

Posted: 2017-03-06 13:55:39
by martin
Hello Michael: I'm sorry but this is not possible. Currently InfoClick must be running and thus visible in your Dock to do its indexing. However, what you've asked for has been requested before. I'll certainly add your vote for this feature to our issue tracker. Thank you!