Nisus Thesaurus is a fast electronic thesaurus that works with any services-aware application
including Safari, Apple Mail, TextEdit, and more. Nisus Thesaurus integrates seamlessly with
Nisus Writer Pro and
Nisus Writer Express.
Using Thesaurus is easy. Just select the word in your favorite application and choose
Nisus Thesaurus from the Services menu. When you select a word in Nisus Thesaurus, the synonyms
for that word will be shown right next to it in the Word Browser. Go from "sky" to "cumulonimbus" in just a
few clicks.
Nisus Thesaurus knows the English language. Using the WordNet
lexical reference database, Thesaurus knows over 120,000 words and how they relate to each other. When
you lookup a word in Nisus Thesaurus, it will show you related words in six categories.