find and replace with superscript

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find and replace with superscript

Post by mel57 »

Hi, I'm a new customer and I'd like to know if it is possible to find a text in bold and italics and replace it with the same text in superscript.
Thank you in advance for your answer.
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Re: find and replace with superscript

Post by phspaelti »

Yes, you can.
  1. Open the Find dialog
  2. Switch to Powerfind
  3. In the Find box, from the "Wildcard" menu choose "Any Text" (or any other suitable "Any" wildcard)
  4. Select the wildcard and apply the styles you want to search for
  5. In the Replace box, from the "Capture" menu choose "Found"
  6. Select and apply the styles you want to add
  7. Do "Replace All"
As a slight variant which might be more flexible. Don't bother with the Replace box. Instead do "Find All". This will create a multi-part selection. You can apply formatting directly to all the selected bits at the same time.
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