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Footnotes coming over from Word

Posted: 2005-09-05 06:01:20
by Jzents
I have an outline that I wrote in Word and it has many footnotes. I have tried to open in NWX 2.5 rc2 and some of the footnotes appear in the text and a blank note at the bottom. I then tried opening the doc in NeoOffice and saving it as a .rtf doc. Well the note now at least appear at the bottom of the page, but now if I add a new note it does not match the indending etc of the exisiting notes even though when I put the curser in the notes and click on the tabs the dialog box gives the same settings for both notes!

I really like NWX but I have tons of outlines for students in Word and if they cannot be easily edited in NWX I am really out of luck in using NWX.