Japanese EUC encoding broken in 2.7?

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Japanese EUC encoding broken in 2.7?

Post by mowog »

In previous versions, I was able to create Japanese EUC-encoded text files that would then make a glorious trip: I turn them into Palm pdb files with Palm Doc Converter then Bluetooth them to my Palm to open and read them in the freeware Dokusha where I click on a kanji and get the word and its translation almost immediately--wow!

But in Nisus Express 2.7, whenever I encode something as EUC, it now always turns out, at the end of the process, to be a document of nothing but question marks. In the past, I got question marks for things that couldn't be encoded in EUC; however, now it seems nothing can be encoded in EUC. In fact, the last three files I tried to convert to EUC all resulted in warnings to the extent of "This file has some stuff that can't be converted in EUC", though the text in question had only kanji and parentheses, no stars, filled boxes, and other things that turned into question marks following EUC encoding. In short, has the EUC encoding undergone some change?

To be honest, I just found out tonight that the encoding doesn't matter much: I can convert UTF-8 files to EUC pdb files flawlessly with Palm Doc Converter and everything is groovy, so I don't really need EUC now. However, I am curious why EUC apparently doesn't work any more.
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