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Request: Forum or Repository for Macros & Scripts

Posted: 2007-01-29 09:26:50
by ssampler
People have written some very useful apple scripts, menu macros, and Perl macros for NWX, and Nisus Pro looks to have even better scripting possibilities. It would be very helpful to have a place where scripts could be listed and described. At the simplest, there could be an ongoing scripting topic where scripts could be shared and discussed.


Posted: 2007-01-29 10:23:39
by cchapin
I second the motion.


Posted: 2007-01-29 11:07:27
by Patrick J
I do like this idea as well.

Posted: 2007-01-29 16:11:13
by martin
Definitely a good idea, especially timely as Nisus Writer Pro will have additional macro capabilities. I'll see about getting something set up- perhaps both a macro forum, and an "official" macro repository.