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Drag Copy Problem

Posted: 2003-08-19 16:28:42
by pmevans
I use Nisus for billing purposes. I've gone to SpellCatcher to replace the missing Glossary feature. The old Glossary was better, but SC at least works. I drag-copy text in each document. Faster and easier than retyping, but since the move to OS X, I have to highlight from left to right in order to be able to drag-copy. If I highlight from right to left and then try to drag, it just enlarges the highlighted area. Anyone else seeing this? Thought at first that it might be a conflict with MaxiMice, but disabling it made no difference. This is a real pain.

Posted: 2003-08-24 17:09:26
by pmevans
Okay, as of tonight, I can't drag copy at all. Is anyone else seeing this behavior? Any suggestions? If this isn't going to work, I'm going to have to dump Nisus.

Posted: 2003-08-24 18:34:17
by JBL
It is working fine for me. (Actually, I should thank you; I never knew about copy-drag.)