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RTF text to real RTF

Posted: 2004-04-26 11:49:30
by hatchmo
I have a text document displaying RTF codes. How do I force Nisus Writer Express to display it as RTF (interpreting all the code)?

For example, paste the text below into a new NWX document. Save it as an RTF document, complete with .RTF extension. Close it and double-click on it. It still opens as text--not RTF.

Code: Select all

{\rtf1 \mac \ansicpg437 \cocoartf102 {\fonttbl {\f0 \fnil \fcharset77 Times New Roman{\*\falt Times}
{\f1 \fnil \fcharset77 Times-Roman{\*\falt Times}
{\colortbl ;\red0 \green0 \blue0 ;}
\deftab720 \defformat \viewkind4 \viewscale100 {\*\nisuswindow \x194 \y4 \w649 \h946 }
\paperw11904 \paperh16836 \margl1440 \margr1440 \margt1440 \margb1440 \gutter0 \pgnstart1 \sectd \sbkpage \cols1 \ltrsect \colbalsxn1 \marglsxn1440 \margrsxn1440 \margtsxn1440 \margbsxn1440 \guttersxn0 \headery720 \footery720 \pgncont \pgndec \sxncont \sxndec \pard \ql \sl0 \slmult1 \ri3080 \f1 \fs24 \nosupersub \up0 \kerning0 \expnd0 \expndtw0 \CocoaLigature0 \cf1 Aa aaa aaaa aaaa aaaa a a  a   a aaaa aaaa aaaa. Aa aaa aaaa aaaa aaaa a a  a   a aaaa aaaa aaaa. Aa aaa aaaa aaaa aaaa a a  a   a aaaa aaaa aaaa. Aa aaa aaaa aaaa aaaa a a  a   a aaaa aaaa aaaa. Aa aaa aaaa aaaa aaaa a a  a   a aaaa aaaa aaaa. Aa aaa aaaa aaaa aaaa a a  a   a aaaa aaaa aaaa. Aa aaa aaaa aaaa aaaa a a  a   a aaaa aaaa aaaa. Aa aaa aaaa aaaa aaaa a a  a   a aaaa aaaa aaaa. Aa aaa aaaa aaaa aaaa a a  a   a aaaa aaaa aaaa. }

Posted: 2004-04-26 22:39:50
by charles
There are two things to do here:

1. Be sure you save as plain text. You are trying to just save this as plain text, even though the text itself is RTF. I know it is confusing, just trust me.

2. Nisus Writer will expect you to save with a TXT extension or something like that. So, save the file with the txt extension and then rename it in the Finder as RTF.

Now, close your file and reopen it in Nisus Writer and everything should work!

Posted: 2004-04-27 10:07:04
by hatchmo
This is truly weird. I never would have figured it out myself. Thanks, Charles.

Posted: 2004-04-27 14:15:08
by charles
hatchmo wrote:This is truly weird. I never would have figured it out myself. Thanks, Charles.
Hatchmo: I think is it weird that you even HAD raw RTF to show like that! :wink: Where did it come from?


Posted: 2004-04-27 22:50:24
by hatchmo
charles wrote:

>that you even HAD raw RTF to show like that! Where did it come from?

I've written an OS X Applescript to take scraps of text (written in NWX or dragged and dropped or clipped or whatever) and concatenate them into a single NWX document. All the text appears fine after import, but RTF looks like, well, RTF. This will make it much easier.


Posted: 2004-04-28 13:02:36
by charles
Oh, that sounds very interesting, actually! How are you invoking this AppleScript? Maybe we can do something so you would never have to even see the RTF.
