Couldn't log in -- Forum lost my registration?

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Couldn't log in -- Forum lost my registration?

Post by stevenrowat »

I used to post to this forum once in a while, then I didn't for a few months (maybe 4).

I tried to log in today, and the forum didn't recognize me. I have my username, email, and password recorded so I know they're correct.

I re-registered with the same ones. Now I have '1 post' (after posting today).

This is kind of irritating. Do you lose people often? Or perhaps it was some sort of spammng issue (maybe a spammer using my e-mail hit your board, and you deleted me?)

Steven Rowat
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Re: Couldn't log in -- Forum lost my registration?

Post by martin »

Hi Steven,

I'm sorry you had trouble logging in, and that apparently your account was lost/deleted somehow.

We do occasionally prune/delete users, but only those with zero posts. We do this to prune spammers, some of whom just register submarine/ghost accounts which they never use to post, but only create so they can link to spam in their profile. But I'm assuming you actually used your account, and thus it had at least one post and wouldn't have been cleared out in such a sweep.

Aside from your account accidentally getting swept away like that, which seems somewhat unlikely because no others have complained, I'm not sure how to explain what happened. Is there anything else you can think of that might have affected your account?
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Re: Couldn't log in -- Forum lost my registration?

Post by stevenrowat »

martin wrote:Hi Steven,

Aside from your account accidentally getting swept away like that, which seems somewhat unlikely because no others have complained, I'm not sure how to explain what happened. Is there anything else you can think of that might have affected your account?
No. The only thing I can think of, given your explanation, is that perhaps all my communications with Nisus (I've submitted several bugs and requests and had several fairly long email exchanges with your tech support) have been outside the forum, and maybe I joined and never posted, even once. That still seems unlikely to me, via my memory, but I don't have any hard evidence of any posts of mine and can't find any under my username. So either the posts also got deleted, or I never made any. :-) . My sincere apologies, if the latter.

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Re: Couldn't log in -- Forum lost my registration?

Post by martin »

No apologies necessary Steven. I remember having communicated with you, but as you say, perhaps it was all done in private (I can turn up several email threads and feedback reports). Well, now that we've had this discussion here, I daresay I'll remember if your forum account is ever accidentally deleted!
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