Back in times - lost in Nisus’s antiques

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Back in times - lost in Nisus’s antiques

Post by jdevriendt »

The problem is very simple. In my archives, I have documents written - with notes, pictures - using Nisus version 4, 5 and 6 … (No, I'm not a fossil: I just have a lot more memories!)
How do I open them on Nisus Writer Pro, now ? Please help me & should thou thanked !
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Re: Back in times - lost in Nisus’s antiques

Post by martin »

You can definitely open old "classic" Nisus Writer files (from Mac OS 9 and earlier) in the current version of Nisus Writer Pro. The key is to properly preserve the "resource fork" on these old files before you move them to a modern Mac. For all the details please see this FAQ on opening classic files. Good luck!
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