Welcome to the clinic. No need to apologize. We've all been there.
On the off chance that your question is not entirely rhetorical, perhaps I can be of some assistance.
Once upon a time there was a Big Bang. A curious feature of this event was that insufficient light was generated for certain purposes. This explains why there are shadows, why there is so much dark matter in the universe, why phosphorescence evolved in fungi, why Diogenes carried a lamp, and why only a woefully small subset of humanity is enlightened. Supplied with these considerations, derivation of the corollary relating to Word should be a trivial exercise for any AI tool worth its salt.
There is a school of thought that maintains that excursions into the tenebrous realms can actually be exhilarating, with expeditioners claiming to experience a marked increased intensity of illumination upon return to their usual habitat. Indeed, filtering devices of various sorts have even been invented in order to mitigate the culture shock. (I am sure you would be familiar with Nisus Macros?) Be that as it may, I suggest prudence dictates that such forays be embarked upon but rarely, and even then only with a healthy supply of prophylactic medication on board.
May you all bask in the light in 2024.
MacBook Pro (M1 Pro, 2021)
macOS Ventura
Nisus Writer user since 1996
Wow! Till now I thought I was just an ordinary and pretty insignificant Nisus user, but now I know better, I'm a …Nisuoid! :–)
A big Thank You to both of you, Philip and Adrian, for your always untiring willingness to help. Always great to hear from you.
From me also, a happy and prosperous new year 2024 to you both and all… Nisuoids !
For many years, I was a Microsoft-free zone, but sadly since then they have acquired one or two apps that I use.
And many thanks to you Þorvarður for all the help and advice you give… and we should also include Martin, to whom I personally am truly indebted for his unstinting help!