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Ventura and proplem opening documents from Finder

Posted: 2023-06-25 13:31:13
by JudyGBee
Since I upgraded to Ventura (13.4.1) I am unable to open a document from the finder window using Option-Shift and selecting Nisus Writer Pro in the drop-down menu.The program is already open and in the dock. Is there a "fix" for this? Do I need to uninstall the program and reinstall?

Judy Brown

Re: Ventura and proplem opening documents from Finder

Posted: 2023-06-27 05:34:52
by xiamenese
Never used Opt-Shift for this; Ctrl-click (Right-click) brings the "Open With…" menu.



Re: Ventura and proplem opening documents from Finder

Posted: 2023-06-27 07:34:58
by martin
I spoke with Judy about this over email and a simple restart cleared the problem up, so it was likely some temporarily muddled bits in the Finder or macOS.