Has anyone been running NWP 341 in a user account under Sonoma 14.7.1?
I've always installed NWP via the admin account but run as user. Probably unnecessary nowadays but old habits etc This has always been fine and remained so under Ventura. However on moving to a new machine with Sonoma some of the macros fail to work as expected.
Not tried them all but ‘import styles’ does not request which style sheet to import but only displays the default since it cannot find the styles folder despite it being in the same place as with Ventura. Another is that the highlight colour fails to ‘stick’ although this could be a problem with the OS. I suspect the problems may be due Apple's updated security.
FWIW a trial copy of Mellel works as normal.
Mellel permissions: Admin user RW, admin Read. everyone Read
Nisus Permissiona: Admin user RW, staff Read, everyone Read
I have tried altering the Nisus permissions to match those of Mellel, but it made no difference.
No doubt there’s a degree of user error, but before delving too deeply I wondered if anyone else had experienced similar problems.
NWP and Sonoma
NWP and Sonoma
History is a nightmare from which I am trying to escape.
Re: NWP and Sonoma
Hi Tacitus,
I've upgraded to Sonoma and then Sequoia in turn and NWP runs fine for me.
I would think your problem is due to the stricter security. I'm not certainly not an expert in this, but it might depend also on where your style collections, etc. are stored; I have mine along with Templates, Macros, Glossaries etc. in iCloud Drive > Nisus Documents.
I guess you might have to specifically grant NWP access to the appropriate folder. I'm not sure how to do that, but I do see on my machine (M2Pro Mini in this instance), in System Settings > Privacy and Security > Files & Folders, NWP has iCloud switched on, while Scrivener has Full Disk Access and iCloud and Dropbox switched on (Sync is a normal folder, while iCloud and Dropbox come up under "Locations" in the Finder sidebar).
So I would have a look to see what is happening there. Come to think of it, if memory serves, I moved my Nisus Documents folder out of Dropbox and into iCloud Drive precisely for such access reasons.
Hope that helps
I've upgraded to Sonoma and then Sequoia in turn and NWP runs fine for me.
I would think your problem is due to the stricter security. I'm not certainly not an expert in this, but it might depend also on where your style collections, etc. are stored; I have mine along with Templates, Macros, Glossaries etc. in iCloud Drive > Nisus Documents.
I guess you might have to specifically grant NWP access to the appropriate folder. I'm not sure how to do that, but I do see on my machine (M2Pro Mini in this instance), in System Settings > Privacy and Security > Files & Folders, NWP has iCloud switched on, while Scrivener has Full Disk Access and iCloud and Dropbox switched on (Sync is a normal folder, while iCloud and Dropbox come up under "Locations" in the Finder sidebar).
So I would have a look to see what is happening there. Come to think of it, if memory serves, I moved my Nisus Documents folder out of Dropbox and into iCloud Drive precisely for such access reasons.
Hope that helps
Re: NWP and Sonoma
Thank you for the comprehensive reply.
The machine is an M2pro Mini which I was offered at a very decent price with the advent of the M4 machines. I'm setting it up from scratch rather than use the Migration Assistant. Having used that over the years there's a fair amount of crud accumulated so I've taken the opportunity to start again. Tedious but should be worthwhile. It does mean I'm straddled across two machines at present trying to work out why stuff works on one and not the other.....
I've always had the Nisus stuff in ~/Documents/Nisus Documents but it appears it is now best to have it on iCloud Drive in the Nisus Settings folder, so I've moved it all there. I did add Nisus to the Full Disk Access list but I'm not sure that's needed as everything appears to work fine. It locates the Style Sheet folder with no problem.
Why did you specifically grant Scriv Full Disk access? I'm not sure what you mean by, "Scrivener has ..... iCloud and Dropbox switched on" other than this is where you store the files.
On my setup iCloud, Dropbox and Sync appear in the favourites list. iCloud Drive has always been at the top of the Favourites list. DropBox possibly shouldn't be there since the latest versions are using Apple's File Provider apis. Sync is a normal folder (so far) so shouldn't need any special attention. I believe they are playing with a Sync Drive app, currrently for Windows. Whether there will be a Mac version and the implications remain unknown.
The machine is an M2pro Mini which I was offered at a very decent price with the advent of the M4 machines. I'm setting it up from scratch rather than use the Migration Assistant. Having used that over the years there's a fair amount of crud accumulated so I've taken the opportunity to start again. Tedious but should be worthwhile. It does mean I'm straddled across two machines at present trying to work out why stuff works on one and not the other.....
I've always had the Nisus stuff in ~/Documents/Nisus Documents but it appears it is now best to have it on iCloud Drive in the Nisus Settings folder, so I've moved it all there. I did add Nisus to the Full Disk Access list but I'm not sure that's needed as everything appears to work fine. It locates the Style Sheet folder with no problem.
Why did you specifically grant Scriv Full Disk access? I'm not sure what you mean by, "Scrivener has ..... iCloud and Dropbox switched on" other than this is where you store the files.
On my setup iCloud, Dropbox and Sync appear in the favourites list. iCloud Drive has always been at the top of the Favourites list. DropBox possibly shouldn't be there since the latest versions are using Apple's File Provider apis. Sync is a normal folder (so far) so shouldn't need any special attention. I believe they are playing with a Sync Drive app, currrently for Windows. Whether there will be a Mac version and the implications remain unknown.
History is a nightmare from which I am trying to escape.
Re: NWP and Sonoma
On Scriv having full-disk access, I was probably alerted to set that because it needed data from other apps like image manipulators, Bookends, and so on. As for the other part, here is a screenshot of System Settings > Privacy and Security > Files and Folders showing what is "turned on" for both NWP & Scriv. As I say, I don't rank myself as an expert in all this, but everything seems to be working fine.
By the way, I don't know if I ever got round to thanking you for putting me onto Clook. They are brilliant! So a belated thanks (once again?)

Enjoy your new machine.