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Hebrew text followed by number

Posted: 2006-03-09 13:23:17
by ProfT
I was trying to type a reference (2 Kings) after typing a Hebrew word (in a text mixed with Hebrew and English). The language had been switched back to English but all numbers or numbers with punctuation are switched automatically to the left of the Hebrew. Letters, etc can be properly typed but all numbers and numbers with punctuation marks are moved.

So instead of getting
HEBREW (2 Kings)
I get
(2 HEBREW Kings)

How can I stop this? I tried putting spaces in and it still happens. If I put a letter first and then the text I want and delete the leading letter, it will then move the text. The same thing happens in Text Edit as well!

Any ideas would be appreciated!

Posted: 2006-03-09 20:02:29
by cchapin
There was a brief exchange on this problem here. The workaround was to put a white "English" character between the Hebrew and the number. Obviously this is not ideal. Any other ideas out there?


Posted: 2006-03-09 21:39:19
by ProfT
The white letter solution is what I finally came to as a resolution. (Wish I'd read the post before my first hour of trials and errors!)

Thanks for the link. I hope that someone will come up with a better workaround, but I could not get anything else to work. A posting on this issue on another board ended up with the suggestion that I use Mellel. (Not an option I want to pursue). But it did highlight that because Mellel uses its own layout and not Apple's it doesn't encounter the same difficulty.
