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Fetching Nisus docs only with Spotlight?

Posted: 2008-02-06 02:34:53
by js
Is it possible to fetch Nisus docs only using Spotlight?

Posted: 2008-02-06 04:02:46
by martin
Spotlight indexes Nisus RTF files, but not ".doc" files. There's an explanation in the Express FAQ which also applies to Pro.

Fetching Nisus docs only with Spotlight

Posted: 2008-02-06 04:41:00
by Hamid
For NWP and NWE files saved as rtf, try
kind:rtf (preferr
which should fetch NWE/NWP files, excluding rtf files saved in other apps. Nisus .doc files will be missed, because they are really rtf with doc extension.
To get Nisus Gossary, Nisus Maro and Nisus Perl Macro files, try
Files will be missed if they have been wrongly assigned to unexpected applications.

Posted: 2008-02-09 06:12:18
by js
martin wrote:Spotlight indexes Nisus RTF files, but not ".doc" files. There's an explanation in the Express FAQ which also applies to Pro.
What I don't understand: If I a set a document inf the info window to "open with Nisus", the system obviously places this information somewhere. This would mean then that spotlight is unable to spot this information? Frankly, to ask of a search prograham to be capable to unambiguously filter documents of one application seems not so extravgant ...

PS Thanks to Hamid for his tip

Posted: 2008-02-09 15:14:52
by greenmorpher
In fact, it would be easy enough to set up.

I start every file name with a date in yy-mm-dd order which I enter using TypeIt4Me. To identify all Nisus docs, I could simply add an identifying group to that such as "nidoc".

Another thought -- you could add an identifier to all your Nisus documents by including something like "nidoc" colored white for invisibility in, for example, the footer. Include that in your Template(s) so it is autoamtically present in every Nisus document you produce.

Then spotlight search for your key, in this case, "nidoc" and Roberto est vous oncle (okay, the French is crude and probably wrong, but the idea is a little more subtle).

Cheers, Geoff

Geoffrey Heard, Business Writer & Publisher

"Type & Layout: Are you communicating or just making pretty shapes" -- Revealed! The secrets of how you can use type and layout to turbocharge your messages in print. See the book at