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bullets or lists within Nisus Writer Express (ver. 1.1a)

Posted: 2003-12-06 07:17:16
by siddhartha

I am a very new user to Nisus Writer Express. Is there any support for creating bullets within NWE?

When importing Word files, I noticed that NWE did import the bulets but they appeared as part of the normal text.

What should we be doing to create bullets in our documents.

Thank You.

Posted: 2003-12-07 01:14:13
by charles
We don't have support for automatic bullets yet, however you can add them quite easily by using the increase indent/decrease indent menu items.

To start using bullets, select "Increase Indent" from the format menu. This will change the ruler so that you can easily create and bulleted or numbered list. Then, you can just type your bullet, press tab, and type the associated text. The ruler will already be configured so that text you type will wrap correctly.

If you need to further indent your text, you can use the Increase Indent menu item again. You can also decrease your indent level by selecting "Decrease Indent." If you need to move a list of bulleted items in or out, just select the items and select the appropriate menu item.

This makes bulleted lists quite easy to do until we have more automatic support. I use it all the time myself!
