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save as in lion?

Posted: 2011-07-26 10:41:57
by robertb
I haven't upgraded to Lion yet, but on, I saw a note from someone who said that Lion's autosave feature did not allow the "save as" function in applications. Has anyone had experience with this using NWP 2.0.1 with Lion? Are users still able to use cmd-shift-s to save a file using another file name or format?
Robert, Jacksonville, FL

Re: save as in lion?

Posted: 2011-07-26 11:02:34
by mrennie
Hi Robert,

apps that support AutoSave in Lion do not have the "Save As" command anymore. Instead, you can use the "Save a Version" command, or even the "Export" command. Nisus Writer Pro does not support AutoSave (yet?), so you can still perform "Save As" in Lion. Don't worry too much, though; even if you cannot use "Save As" anymore, "Save a Version" has the same effect.

Re: save as in lion?

Posted: 2011-07-26 12:28:21
by robertb
Thanks so much for your help. That's exactly what I needed to know. And that means Lion is very much in my immediate future.