legal pleading page template

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legal pleading page template

Post by martin »

This pleading page template uses a floating text box (anchored to the first page header) to show the numbers 1-26. Using this technique has the benefit that the numbers are easy to edit. You can simply click into the floating text box to apply a different font, size, line spacing, etc.
pleading text box.zrtf
(3.41 KiB) Downloaded 2851 times
This template file has the numbers 1-26 running down the left side of all pages in the document using a section watermark image:
(31.85 KiB) Downloaded 2829 times
A preview of what these documents look like:
preview.png (42.25 KiB) Viewed 37060 times
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Re: legal pleading page template

Post by Cypocryphy »

I just wanted to point out one major drawback with these pleadings, and that is the issue with the numbers lining up with the text. Each numbered line should correspond with each line of text, and it does not do that with these templates. Do you know how to make the numbers correspond to the text?

Also, the last line (26) does not allow me enough space to enter text.

Any suggestions?
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Re: legal pleading page template

Post by martin »

Cypocryphy wrote:I just wanted to point out one major drawback with these pleadings, and that is the issue with the numbers lining up with the text. Each numbered line should correspond with each line of text, and it does not do that with these templates. Do you know how to make the numbers correspond to the text?
This is indeed possible using Nisus Writer's line numbering feature, which always shows the numbers so they line up with the main document text. Please try the templates with the file name "pleading exact" provided in the other pleading page template thread. Of course the drawback of this approach is that your main document body must be configured to show exactly the number of pleading lines required. If you adjust the line spacing, margins, etc, that may naturally add to (or subtract from) the line count.
Also, the last line (26) does not allow me enough space to enter text.
If you are using the template from this thread which employs a floating text box to show the pleading numbers, you can adjust the placement of that floating text box so the number 26 appears wherever you like. Likewise you can edit the formatting of the floating text box, to adjust the line spacing, font size, etc, of the pleading numbers so you obtain whatever results you most prefer.
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Re: legal pleading page template

Post by Vanceone »

Just to alert Martin: This thread no longer has links to the pleadings, as the extension has been banned or something. Thanks!

Edited in July 2018 to note that this issue appears to be fixed.
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