Document Manager slow

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Document Manager slow

Post by dilgreen »

Whenever my mouse so much as passes over a '...Document Manager' menu item, my machine freezes, and i have to watch the beach ball for a couple of minutes, until NWP reports that it cannot find a shared server that has not been active for a couple of years.
Presumably this is stored in some preference file or another, but I can't find it. Can you advise?
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Re: Document Manager slow

Post by martin »

There are a couple of ways an old/stale file could be listed in the document manager, triggering a connection to the old server:

1. The files stored for the menu File > Open Recent.
These are actually maintained by OSX/Apple, but they are stored in your user/home preferences folder at:

2. The document manager folder.
This folder can store/record aliases that point to files in other places. I believe the default location for this folder is:
~/Documents/Nisus Documents/
..but you can change it in your NWP "Doc Manager" preferences, so best check to be sure.

3. Custom file groups.
These are groups listed in your document manager to which you may have added files/aliases. They are all stored (along with other settings) in the main document manager file:
~/Library/Application Support/Nisus Writer Pro/Document Manager Settings

Rather than clearing these files out manually (which you should do while NWP is not running), you could simply select the offending files in the document manager window and delete them from the listing. I hope this helps!
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Re: Document Manager slow

Post by dilgreen »

seems to have done the trick - thanks!
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