Easy To Use Our straightforward style sheets present formatting information in a way that's easy to understand. Each style shows a preview and exactly what formatting it enforces. Editing a style is likewise made simple. Just select the style and apply formatting using regular tools like menus, palettes, and toolbars as usual. |
List Styles Use list styles to control not only counting and numbering, but also text formatting for each level. |
Note Styles Advanced note styles allow great flexibility in the display of your footnotes and endnotes. For more details see our footnotes and endnotes tour page. |
Keyboard Shortcuts You can customize the keyboard shortcut for any style. Our multi-key shortcuts make recall that much easier. For example, use Command + H1 for Heading 1. Fully customizable keyboard shortcuts are available for any menu command, not just styles. |
Style Library Quickly save and load whichever styles you use most. |
Learn More Read more in our user guide's help topic about Style Sheets. Browse the entire user guide online, or download the full PDF User Guide. |